The coalition has come together around a central task: to develop a rubric for racial equity in housing. We sought to not only change internal and sector-wide practices and procedures, but to enable deeper accountability, cultural shifts, and concrete indicators to measure success.
The rubric is designed to:
Contribute to massive cultural change within the affordable housing ecosystem
Serve as a point of agreement and collaboration, further pushing those already centering racial equity, and inviting new stakeholders into the work
Highlight best practices, dismantle problematic ones, and build a foundation for a new path forward
This rubric offers two types of recommendations to shift the housing and community development sectors to advance racial justice in and through our work across the state of Massachusetts in the next three years.
These steps are the foundation of a “new normal” for all partners in the housing and community development ecosystem. They intentionally and explicitly enable the elimination of racial disparities in housing.
They establish leadership, prioritize practices, and enable new ways of working and knowing.
Some users will have progressed further than others in enacting racial justice principles, yet we all have further to go.
These are key high-impact, transformative steps each user group can take to disrupt the status quo and make significant progress within individual sectors.
These steps enable catalytic change across the Massachusetts housing and community development ecosystems. They require us to stretch, reimagine, and collaborate in new ways.
Not every user can achieve these within three years. Successes will prove feasibility and possibility and shed more light on what it takes to enact catalytic steps at scale.